The Promise of The Blessing By Pastor Uche Onochie

The Promise of The Blessing By Pastor Uche Onochie

Message Text: Isaiah 43:18-19, Hebrews 6:13-16
Message Title: The Promise of The Blessing

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the Prophet Isaiah was talking to God’s people in captivity at that time. It is a time that is likened to the past three years round the world. The lockdown caused tension and the world has not yet recovered from it’s effects.

Do not the remember the old (past failures and past victories). Past victories won’t sustain you. Past victories can even hurt you like past failures because you will be thinking that God will do it the way He did it the last time. Past hurts creates a mark on you and cripples you when you keep remembering them. It gets into your subconscious and brings fear into you for you to take the next step and move forward.
If you are living in the past, it is like you are driving and your eyes are fixed on the rear view mirror. It is dangerous.

A new thing is coming.
Daniel understood by the books the specified time Israel should be in captivity and that brought about their deliverance (Daniel9:2).
Abraham heard from God (Hebrews 6:13-18). This is a Kairos moment from the next ten years for those people that will understand.
When God wants to do something, all He needs is a willing vessel. When you obey, God will help you to do the rest to suit His own timing.

9 means divine completion and finality. Jesus died at the 9th hour (3pm).
We are in a Kairos moment and God is doing something new. God is positioning people to shake in as a result of the shaking.
Abraham waited to hear from God and Daniel understood by the books for their deliverance. Get ready for the blessing upgrade.

Waiting is a time of preparation to do what you want to do. God cannot lie and made an oath by His name to fulfill His promise to Abraham (Hebrews 6:13-18).
Prayerfully and calculatedly launch out. The train is coming. The Western world is saturated and they are looking at Africa.

For those of you in business you have to be accountable and be a good book-keeper. Start to build a global company so it will pass the test of universality.
Nigeria is very ripe for labour.
For those in business, career, government and relationship. Get training for every field.

Most of us are excellent negotiators but cannot negotiate with their spouse. What you need as an excellent businessman is what you need to be a good spouse. You need wisdom to make your marriage work.
Don’t marry someone who is like you. Marry someone who can cover your weakness. Husband and wife should be partners in wealth creation.

For those in ministry, you have to pray, study and prepare. God is looking for who He can talk to and who to be His friend but will you be able to sustain it?
Genesis 22:16-17 says Abraham obeyed God and didn’t withhold Isaac from God and God blessed Him. God made to him a promise to bless him, multiply his seed like the sand of the seashore and his seed shall possess the gate of their enemies.

If God doesn’t test you, He can’t use you.
Abraham sacrificing Isaac and the lamb are typologies of Jesus in the new testament. In Hebrews 10, there is one supreme sacrifice that covered all sacrifices but we need to flame up the fire.

Every good thing has a down side and every blessing has a preparation.
The enemy has become more subtle and has upgraded and we need to guard our heart.
Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our heart with all vigilance and diligence for out of it flows the issues of life.
Guard your heart and life using Philippians 4:8. Check if it is true, noble, pure, lovely and of a good report.
Receive and guard your soul with the engrafted Word of God (James 1:22).

There is a new season and the promise of the blessing is here. For two immutable things, it is impossible for God to lie.
Prepare for the new things that are coming. Transformation and reformation is coming in the next years and you will be like them that God turned their captivity and they were like men that dreamed and their mouths were filled with laughter.

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