Powered By Grace By Pastor Lanre Oluseye

Powered By Grace By Pastor Lanre Oluseye

Ministering; Pastor Lanre Oluseye
Text; Acts 20 vs 22; 1st Corinthians 15 vs 10-11; Luke 1 vs 63-64
Topic; Powered by Grace

The concept of the grace of God is integral to the minds of believers. God’s grace is underpinned by his character/person and the finished work on the cross. It is not your remorse that triggers the forgiveness of sin. It is the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God’s love is not dependent on your action. It is the function of the nature of God. God is Love. Revelation 2 vs 1-4 (NKJV) explains that our first love is defined in 1st John 4 vs 19 which is God’s love for us! God’s love is unconditional. The love of God can be likened to the love the father of the prodigal Son had for his Son. That is the reckless prodigal love of God. The grace of God is not pinned to a condition. (Titus 2 vs 11) It is a promiscuous love. The grace of God is available to all men.

Your trials and tribulations is not to mean that God does not love you. His love cannot be judged by your perception but the fact that you survived that trial and tribulation. Hallelujah!!! We are the evidence of God’s immeasurable love and goodness.

The grace of God is the greatest arsenal a believer can have in their disposal. Joshua 1 vs 1-3 and Exodus 3 vs 5 has given us the assurance that wherever our foot/feet trends is ours to conquer! Glory to God!

Not undermining the efficacy of the efforts you insert in your endeavors. A touch of the Grace of God is the finishing touch to make it work. That is GRACE AT WORK!
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