Lead Regardless By Pastor Walter Ekelemu

Lead Regardless By Pastor Walter Ekelemu

Ministering; Pastor Walter Ekelemu
Text; Matthew 20:20-27 ; Joshua 1 vs 1-3&5-9; Judges 6 vs 11 & 15,16
Topic; Lead regardless

The predominant struggle of the 21st century is the struggle of identity. The church as a family and as individuals do not understand who they are in Christ.
To be a believer means you believe in Jesus. It implies you have an in-depth knowledge of the person of Christ and so you know who you are in Him. It means you believe what Christ calls you and who He says you are. It is having the belief that you are whatever Christ has called you. The word believe means “I accept”.

Regardless of the situation you are going through, if God has called you a winner, champion, victor in spite your current or past situation, who he has called you is exactly who you are! The fundamental problem of man is the identity crisis. Tracing back to the story of Adam and Eve(Gen. 1 vs 26). The serpent could confuse Eve of her identity. You have being created in the image of God so nobody should convince you otherwise.

In the book of Revelation 5 vs 9a&10; God says if you believe in Him, you are a king and a priest and you will reign on earth.

The biggest problem we experience on earth is lack of leadership. Leadership is not about position. God has declared us leaders even before we were born.

Matthew 5:13 tells us that we need no formal recognition to be identified as a leader. God has designed us to be potential leaders. Again leadership is not position. A leader can have a position but the person in position may not necessarily be a leader. We are encouraged to own up our leadership position wherever we find ourselves because God has made us leaders. Your situation notwithstanding you are still a leader. It is part of you. Your situation do not define you. The only reason you are acting in the position of a leadership is because we have not owned up to it.

Titles don’t define leadership. A lot of the times people take up the position of a leader before they are conferred with titles or portfolios. Leadership is influence. It is the ability to make others follow your bidding. Leadership is standing strong and bringing positivity to the persons you are leading. Leadership is service. Leadership is not enforced by coercion. It is not imposing. It is not tyrannical.

We have to understand that leadership is not all about glory and glamour. Leadership is sacrifice. It is self denial. Matthew 20 vs 20-2 explains to us that when we go after the position of leadership our desire should be the leader that God has designed us to be. Position is meant for people that are prepared for it. Our heart desires should be for God to help us to be service leaders. If you are going to be a leader, you must be ready to serve, having the ability to make sacrifices and self denial to ensure that people around you are better. God expects this of us.

From the story of Joshua we can see that we must be courageous in the position of holding leadership. When things are not going right with us we should bear in mind that God is always with us in his accordance of taking the lead. Courage is the ability to move on in the presence of fear. In spite what you are going through, take the lead. Hallelujah!!!

There’s a leader inside of you regardless of the situation you are going through. It doesn’t matter where you find yourself, you must own the position of a leader. When you have the support of God there’s nothing to be afraid of.
Identify who you are in Christ and take the lead!

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