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Grateful Heart – Pst. Lanre Oluseye

Grateful Heart – Pst. Lanre Oluseye

Message Text: Luke 17:11‭-‬19

In spite of everything that must have gone wrong in your life this year, you are still here, still standing.

Looking for a reason to give God thanks? Here are a few:

Having breath in your lungs is enough to be grateful for. Compliant is a privilege of the living. You don’t go to the mortuary and hear bodies complain, ETC.

The Bible says give thanks in all things. It is a good thing to give thanks. Though the situation may not feel like the will of God, your response should be the will of God which is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the key to multiplication. You can only ask for more when you appreciate what you already have. Thanksgiving is a key that opens many doors.

Thanksgiving is the secret to wholeness. Amongst the lepers that were cleansed only the one that came back to give thanks was made whole. Thanksgiving is what activates faith. Your experience with God is what sets your expectations of Him. Thanksgiving is the secret of Supernatural victory. The mundanes of our everyday lives is the testament to God’s faithfulness.

How then do you show God gratitude? Testify of His goodness everyday, sing His praise, worship at His feet, and love Him and his word.

God has been faithful. He remains God, and we as a family, come to God with a grateful heart to say THANK YOU LORD.

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