Too blessed to fail By Pastor Lanre Oluseye

Too blessed to fail By  Pastor Lanre Oluseye
Ministering: Pastor Lanre Oluseye
Topic: Too blessed to fail
Text: Galatians 3:13-14 (NLT)
There are challenges people face that make them forget when things were blossoming. Using the case study of the woman in Luke 13:11. At that moment in her life, all the people could see was the situation she was in. It was such that her situation became her identity. But if that infirmity had lasted 18 years, it suggests that there was a time in this woman’s life, when she wasn’t ‘bent over’. She wasn’t born with that infirmity. She could stand upright at some point. Don’t be among those who condemn people in their time of being ‘bent over’ (time of distress). They were not always like that.
For you, the situation may be so bad that you’ve taken ownership of it. You no longer give people the opportunity to use your problems against you because you already describe yourself by it before they get the chance to.
Luke 13:12 “Jesus saw her” The good news is that God sees you. He sees every effort you exert to get out of that bound, He’s aware of all the sleepless nights, He knows how much of a burden it is to you.
“But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, You are loosed from Your infirmity”” (Luke 13:12 NKJV).
There’s a God who sees you! El Roi.
After she got her healing, the ruler of the synagogue was angered by the fact that Jesus healed the woman on a Sabbath day (Luke 13:14-16, NKJV). The ruler of the synagogue could query her miracle but could not query her pain.
One of the things to note from our text was that this woman was kept bound for eighteen years because of her lack of understanding of who she was. If she had realized that she was not just the woman with an infirmity, but a daughter of Abraham, she wouldn’t have carried that burden for that length of time.
In 2024, know yourself. It doesn’t matter what the enemy throws at you, in this year, you are too blessed to fail.
The blessings God promised Abraham as a result of his obedience are yours because you are his heir (Galatians 3:13-14 & 24 NLT). Abraham’s blessings are yours (Genesis 22:17).
All of us are born equal, but the understanding of who we are and what we carry is what makes all the difference in our lives. Even when you are down, be of good cheer knowing that you might be a blessed man down but the efficacy of the blessing that you carry, won’t let you stay down.
The situation you are in doesn’t change the fact that you are blessed. Abraham gave all (blessings) he had to Isaac (Genesis 22:5-6). This blessing in Isaac manifested throughout his lifetime.
The blessing you carry is not location sensitive. Wherever you are, whether in Nigeria or overseas, the blessing in you will always manifest. You will do great things when you realize how much blessing you have deposited in you.
This year, the blessings that you carry will enable you to see the wells (opportunities) that God has put around you (Galatians 12:19 NKJV). No matter what happens in 2024, you are too blessed to fail.

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