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The God Kind By Bishop Bruce Msidi

The God Kind By Bishop Bruce Msidi

Ministering: Bishop Bruce Msidi
Topic: The God Kind
Text: Luke 15:11-22 (NKJV)

Zoe literally means the “God-kind” of life. To understand Zoe, it is important to first examine the source of this kind of life: God and Life. This form of life is unending. It cannot be terminated or expire because it comes from God. A lack of understanding of the Zoe life will limit its function. In other words, if you do not understand all that the Zoe life entails, chances are you will misuse it and miss out on its benefits. You are the God-kind!

What you received at salvation is not just about being saved. Your life took on a new form—Zoe (the God-kind of life). (Ephesians 1:15–18 NKJV).
To understand the Zoe life, we must first seek to understand God. However, fully understanding God is beyond the capacity of the human mind. God is infinite, whereas the human mind is limited. It is impossible to fit an unlimited being (God) into a limited mind. It would be erroneous to think that mastering the entirety of Scripture implies mastering an entity that cannot be mastered. In His grace, God began to introduce the subject of knowing Him (John 1:1–5 NKJV). There is no place where darkness can comprehend the fullness of Zoe.
The devil’s aim is to stop you from knowing about Zoe. If you already know about the Zoe life, he further seeks to limit your understanding of it, preventing you from maximizing its full potential (Ephesians 1:17 NKJV).

There is a difference between knowledge and understanding. Some people know God based on what others have said about Him but lack an understanding of how He works. Zoe is not a concept; it is an experience. Experiencing Zoe involves understanding how it works. When you have knowledge, you know what God can do. But when you have understanding, you can work in synergy with Him. To know is to appreciate that you have the Zoe life; to understand is to grasp the principles of how it works.
God, recognizing that we are created beings and cannot fully comprehend Him (the Creator), decided to put a piece of Himself in us. One of the first functions of Zoe is to help you understand the God-kind (1 Corinthians 2:9–12 NKJV). In His graciousness, God gave man His Spirit, enabling him to understand all things. The Spirit of God in your life causes all things to work in your favor.

The blessing of being the God-kind is that you oscillate between the human experience and the God experience. From the God experience, you are like God; you and the Creator are one. The more you know of God, the more you know how much of God you don’t know.
The things of God are not hidden from you but hidden for you. Revelation is the key. When you get revelation, the processes of knowing and understanding become one. By revelation, you have received. When God makes a promise, the God-kind receives the promise, begins to work on the revelation and manifest what has been spoken. John 1:1 NKJV, the God-kind receives from God in ways that confuses those who are not of the God-kind. You are the God-kind!

If you are the God-kind, it implies that you must exercise your life toward godliness (2 Timothy 2:7 NKJV). When God thinks, it is the same as when He speaks. For those who operate in the Zoe life, thinking and speaking are aligned. Thinking is an essential aspect of the God-kind (1 Timothy 4:6–10 NKJV, AMPC). Godliness is profitable for all things, and as you exercise the God-life, all things align in your favor.

If you truly function in the God-kind, there will be tests—challenges, trials, and tribulations—that come to prove the authenticity of your faith. However, God will always provide a way of escape and will not allow you to endure more than you can bear. You are the God-kind!
God is not the author of confusion. While you face tests, God’s Word remains the same: you will triumph! He is not unjust. Your labor will yield results because God cannot lie. When He declares a thing, He brings it to pass. Operating in the God-kind means that what you decree and declare manifests. God never fails. Therefore, you cannot fail. You are always an exception because you are the God-kind. Whatever you have rights overcomes to you, both in this life and in eternity. You are the God-kind!

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