The Dynamics of Revival By Rev. Anny Ikebudu

The Dynamics of Revival By Rev. Anny Ikebudu
Ministering: Rev. Anny Ikebudu
Topic: The Dynamics of Revival
Text: Ephesians 5:15-18 (TPT)
The worst position to be in as a believer is to be spiritually asleep and not realize it. If the Kingdom does not feel your impact, you are asleep. You cannot be awake in the Kingdom and fail to make an impact. The evidence of what you carry is shown by your actions. This is a call to wake from your slumber.
Key Points:
Hunger is the Starting Point of Revival:
– Matthew 5:6 KJV. As believers, we need to hunger for God.
– In the realm of the spirit, we are hungry because we have eaten.
– Cooperate anointing is good, but personal prayer is where revival starts.
– Hunger is a sign of spiritual health.
1. Be hungry for righteousness. We need to be hungry to see things go in God’s way. Everything you desire is found in God. Crave the righteousness of God, and all other things will follow (Matthew 6:33 NKJV).
2. We need to be hungry for Christ to be fully formed in us (Galatians 4:19 KJV, MSG). To see Christ’s life visible in us.
3. Hunger to Pursue Intimacy with God: No one who is intimate with God fails to reflect His character. To make a significant impact in the Kingdom, we must pursue intimacy with God. If we don’t spend time with Him, we cannot carry His presence. If you embrace God, His fragrance will surely rub off on you. If you don’t carry the Spirit of God, there is no evidence that you are part of the Kingdom.
Purity as a Key for Revival:
– Our consuming zeal should be to keep the house of God on fire.
– The higher your call, the more God wants you to be pure.
– Those who chase after God must pursue consecration.
– Refuse to trade the spiritual for the carnal.
– Receive grace not to lose enthusiasm (Hebrews 6:12 TPT).
Any spiritual exercise we embark on that does not conform to God’s way is merely a form of self-effort. Any revival without conformation to God’s way is a waste. Revival must be given direction.
Any revival that does not affect the well-being of a nation is not a true revival (Philippians 2:11-12 NKJV). Let the salvation you possess internally be evident externally. Be intentional about manifesting Christ.
Those who have evidence will always triumph over those with mere arguments. Talking about Jesus is not enough; manifesting Christ is the evidence you need to speak about Him. You cannot preach Jesus effectively without the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the initiator and sustainer of every revival.
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Revival:
Acts 2:1-4 (NKJV) records the greatest revival ever known. The results of this revival include:
1. Multitudes Were Saved: True revival must lead to the salvation of many souls.
2. Strength for Christian Living: They continued steadfastly (Acts 2:42 NKJV). The Holy Spirit provides the strength and power you need to live the life Jesus desires for you. No one can please God without the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18 NKJV).
3. The Supernatural Was Activated: (Acts 2:43 NKJV).
4. Uncommon Love and Generosity: (Acts 2:44-45, NKJV). The essence of Christ is love. The body of Christ becomes stronger when love and unity abound.
The Holy Spirit is essential for living a consecrated life. He embodies holiness. With the Holy Spirit, you no longer accept things as they come. You declare what you want to see. Every believer must experience signs and wonders in their lives.
If you pursue, you will tarry; and if you tarry, you will carry.
God wants us to be passionate about His Kingdom. God desires to use you to manifest His will. To experience revival, you must have an encounter with the Holy Spirit.
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