That’s my gift By Bishop Bruce Msidi

That’s my gift By Bishop Bruce Msidi

Ministering: Bishop Bruce Msidi
Topic: That’s my gift
Text: John 1:43-51 (NKJV)

Gifts are sometimes things we give to people to show that we appreciate or value them. It is common for us, when choosing a gift for someone we hold in high esteem, to struggle with the decision of what gift to give them. This is because we are concerned about whether the recipient will truly understand the depth of the value we place on them.

However, God does not struggle with what gift to give to man. Romans 5:17 (NKJV) explains that while sin entered the world through Adam, God gave the ultimate gift of Jesus Christ, full of grace, to mankind. God did not need a multitude to redeem humanity from Adam’s offense (Romans 5:18 NKJV). The gift of Jesus is sufficient for our salvation. Through Jesus, we are justified.

No matter the accusations the enemy throws at you based on your past, you are justified. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 5:19 (NKJV) teaches that through Adam’s disobedience, many became sinners, but through Christ’s obedience, we are made righteous. Romans 5:20 (NKJV) assures us that grace, through the gift of Christ Jesus, abounds even more. Romans 5:21 (NKJV) declares that we reign, not because we are qualified, but because we believe in the gift of Christ Jesus.

No matter the challenges you face, they cannot overwhelm God. He doesn’t need to do much to deal with them. For instance, God didn’t send a nation to free the Israelites from Egypt; He sent one man, Moses, to set them free (Hosea 12:13 NKJV).

Sometimes, we overlook our gifts because their appearance or size is not equivalent or superior to the challenges we face. This was the case when Nathanael, upon hearing that Jesus was from Nazareth, questioned, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46 NKJV). Nathanael’s doubt stemmed from Nazareth’s humble reputation, but despite all, Jesus was the greatest gift of all. This reminds us that, like Nathanael, we may dismiss or underestimate the gifts in our lives simply because of where they come from or how they appear. Yet, it is often the least expected places that hold the greatest treasures.

Your background and circumstances are merely the wrapping paper. You are a gift. It’s not about what’s on the outside; it’s about the value in you. That is your gift. It requires discernment to identify your gift. Your past is part of your gift. Don’t get stuck in it, and don’t let what others say about it disturb you. It is your gift.

We should celebrate the gifts we’ve been given, even in the face of adversity. There are good and bad gifts, and while it’s easy to talk about them, when it comes to great gifts, words are often not enough. God has blessed us with great gifts, including a great pastor. We should learn to celebrate the good gifts God has placed in our lives.

When sin came into the world, it entered through one man, Adam, and we all became sinners. But God, in His love, gave the gift of one man, Jesus, to bring righteousness to mankind. God is not intimidated by the number of problems you are experiencing. He loved the world so much that He gave us His Son, Jesus, as an expression of His love.

There are some, like the Nazarites, who have been given a gift but look down on it because of the history of that gift. Many people fail to see the true value of the gift God has given them because they are focused on the packaging or the wrapping. Every gift comes with a wrap, but if you are distracted by the wrapping, you will miss the gift inside.

We often try to measure a great gift by using the parameters of goodness. But the ultimate gift of God is Christ Jesus, and His value cannot be judged by human standards. A great and true gift will change your life and leave a lasting impact.
We celebrate our MVP for being our priceless gift.

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