Ministering: Pastor Enoabasi Inyang
Topic: Put God at the center of it.
Text: Joshua 1:8 (AMPC), Luke 12:16-21 (GNT) & Genesis 26:12-16 (NKJV)
Success is using what you have to produce the best possible outcome. However, the definition of success varies based on different perspectives. For Christians, success is tied to fulfilling our purpose on earth. But what is our purpose? Genesis 1:28 (NKJV) reveals that God created us to be fruitful and to multiply. Our fruitfulness should come from a place of fulfillment, and our ultimate purpose is to improve the earth. True success goes beyond the assets and property we acquire.
God’s design is that we compete against the best version of ourselves. Success is both progressive and personal. Our competition is not with others—we are our competitors. Sometimes we become so displeased with our circumstances that we push away our destiny helpers. In 2 Kings 4:2 (NKJV), we are reminded that we always have a system of advantage around us. On the road to success, we must recognize that we climb the ladder with the help of others. We must learn to manage the people in our lives so they can fulfill their potential. Do not disregard wise counsel when it comes your way.
Attitudes of the Successful
1. They are positive and resilient.
2. They are innovative and adaptive.
3. They are teachable, whether by people or situations. It is important to always seek knowledge.
4. They speak their success into existence. As you declare your success, the forces of the universe begin to align with your words. Speaking about your vision keeps it alive. Communicate your goals consistently until they become your reality (Matthew 12:34 NKJV).
Your success is all about God, not just about you (Genesis 26 NKJV). When you put God at the center of your plans, He will bring them to a successful end because He is the master architect of your vision and goals. Whatever you aim to achieve, ensure that God is at the center of it.
Success is not just about a person or what they can create. The parable of the rich man is a reminder that material wealth alone does not define success (Luke 12:16-21 NKJV). Likewise, in Genesis 26:1-33, Isaac prospered in Gerar not because of his abilities but because God was with him. Pride will not take you far, but meditation and koinonia with God will.
A person who walks with God may fall seven times, but there is certainty that they will rise again (Proverbs 24:16). You will never remain where you fall—God will keep lifting you up. With Him, you can achieve more with less. Keep God at the center of your journey to success.