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Partnerships (Achievers Toolkit) by Pst Lanre Oluseye

Partnerships (Achievers Toolkit) by Pst Lanre Oluseye

TEXT: Judges 7:1-7

In continuation of our tool kit for achievers, another important tool you must have in order to navigate this season is partnerships.
Partnerships in this season is vital to your success. We must build strong partnerships that will help us achieve our goals. We cant do it alone.
However it is vital to note that the wrong partnerships will wreck our destiny. So in choosing partner’s we’ll need to test them like Gideon did.
It is critical that we have the right set of people and not too many people.
In Judges 7:2 And the Lord said to Gideon, “The people who are with you are too many for Me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim glory for itself against Me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.’
God instructed Gideon to cut down the number of people he would take into battle.
In same way, you need to prayerfully prune the number of people that have ability to speak into your life, the people whose advice you heed.
It is important that the people you have with you in this season understands your goals and vision. They must be tested and trusted men like those Gideon took to war.

You need to let go of some people unless they pass these tests:

? Test of Fear/Faith: You cannot fight a fight of faith with fearful people; you don’t need people speaking fear into your life when you are in a real battle. Choose people who have faith and understand what is at stake in your life.You can’t fight the battle of life with people who are not Committed or connected to you.
Gideon put his men to test when he announced that all fearful men can leave and out of 32,000 soldiers, 22,000 left in a day.
Do not be afraid to let fearful persons leave you as they do not help your cause.
? Test of Abundance: People you surround yourself with, must be able to pass the test of abundance.
Abundance is a true test of motives. Let go of people who start stealing from you or pulling you down simply because they feel you have excess.
Gideons men were tested when they got to the waters. The men that abandoned their weapons and plunged into the water to lap like dogs were sent home. The ones that stayed conscious of the mission despite the abundance of water and stayed vigilant while drinking without letting their guards down were chosen.
? Test of Praise:
This is the final test.
… To be continued
Partners are critical but must be carefully chosen in this season.
When you dip your hand into this toolkit, we pray you pull out partners who can ensure that the victory is won.

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