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Know yourself By Pastor Lanre Oluseye

Know yourself By Pastor Lanre Oluseye
Ministering: Pastor Lanre Oluseye
Topic: Know yourself
Text: Luke 13:10-17 (NKJV)
Everything that man would ever need had been available before man was created, but these blessings are in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3). Many Christians do not live in the reality of the blessings they have in Christ, and the big question is why?
There’s a vehicle that converts what you know in the spirit to a tangible physical blessing, and that vehicle is called ‘understanding’. It is not enough to know that God has made things available for you, you must understand how it applies to you and how you can bring what you sense in the spirit into the realm of the physical.
Proverbs 4:7 underscores that wisdom is the principal thing, and it employs us to get understanding because wisdom without understanding will end in frustration. Understanding is what breaks wisdom down to workable tools. It helps you to be able to take spiritual truth and turn it into a physical tools.
A believer who does not have understanding will function beneath his/her privileges. It is important you have understanding.
The devil is a master at using ‘ignorance’ to keep people in bondage. If you do not have understanding, you will carry a burden you were not designed to carry…
In our text; Luke 13:11; There were some significant things about this woman;
1. She was bent over. The woman was not bent over from birth but at a certain point in her life. This means, at some point, she could stand upright. You can face a tragedy in life and people will forget or will never know that there was a time when you were alright.
2. She was not identified by her name but was described by her situation.
This could be someone’s experience. Time is the measurement of life. For eighteen years of her life, she carried a burden she was not meant to carry. Because what truly kept her bound for eighteen years was ignorance.
Luke 13:16 Jesus’ statement implied that she was not supposed to be bound because she was a daughter of Abraham. All she needed to do was declare that ‘I am a daughter of Abraham’.
Whatever you do in 2024, get understanding and know yourself so that you don’t become a victim due to Ignorance.

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