TEXT: 1Samuel 18: 6 – 9 (NLT)
(Leadership Series)
Leaders and potential leaders, should watch out for pride, because as growth and impact evolves, pride can set in.
At first it doesn’t start off as pride. It starts off as competence and confidence.
It was pride in the heart of Saul that made him think, “how on earth could they elevate David above me?”.
In all of us is the ability for pride; one of the biggest pitfalls of every leader is pride.
Some signs of pride are:
? Pretence: Prideful people pretend. Pretenders are hypocrites, they say one thing and do something else. They put you under a burden that they themselves are not willing to carry as though they are saying “I am above the law.” Stop pretending, practice what you preach. It is a sign of pride to expect from people what you are not willing to do.
? Abuse of Power: Another sign of pride is abuse of Power. The pharisees crushed people with unbearable religious demands. They use power to get people to do what they want.
You are very close to walking in pride if you have to use your power to threaten people to do things. Leadership is influence.
Most people who don’t have real influence use their position to threaten people instead of making them do it by inspiration or motivation.
? Perk: Perks talks about entitlement, most people just feel entitled and it is a sign of pride.
Father i ask that the voice of everything that represent Saul’s weaknesses in our lives, is silenced right now. The pride, the insecurities, the pretense, the misuse and abuse of power, the sense of entitlement is silenced today. We become better leaders. In Jesus matchless name. Amen
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