Ministering: Pastor Adeolu Ajadi
Topic: Success is a journey
Text: Psalm 1:1-3 & Joshua 1:8-9 (KJV)
God desires for us to have success in every area of our lives. His plan for us is all-encompassing success. However, personal responsibility is the bedrock of success. God has created us for success, but it is our duty to choose it.
As much as God wants us to succeed, there are many Christians who are not succeeding. When you constantly make excuses for failure, it is a sign of a lack of personal responsibility. Excuses are the tools of incompetence, monuments of nothingness, and those who use them are not wise.
If we take responsibility for our actions and personal development, we will see improvements in our lives.
Success is the progressive achievement of worthy goals. Success is not a destination but a journey that leads to the fulfillment of your purpose on earth. God wants us to continually progress. On the journey to success, you must learn to take it “one barrel at a time.”
Key highlights from Joshua 1:8 (NKJV):
Meditate on it day and night – You must develop the discipline required for success. Discipline is not based on how you feel but on your determination to do what needs to be done.
Observe to do – It is in the doing that habits develop. Your thoughts influence your actions. Your actions shapes your habits. Over time, your habits become your character, and your character defines you.
In the realm of success, there are gatekeepers. The gatekeeper looks for two essential companions: discipline and positive habits. Your habits build your character, and your character either makes or breaks you. Before the gatekeeper of success allows you in, you must possess these two companions. If you cultivate them, you will develop successful habits. The more you develop these habits, the more successful you become. Discipline and positive habits will take you to success, but if you lack, may regress (Psalm 1:3 NKJV).
Joseph did not become a success when he was made prime minister in Egypt. He had been successful throughout his journey. His father relied on him for results.
Chains of habits are so light that you do not feel them, but they can become so heavy that you cannot break them. When you develop successful habits, they become a part of you.
Limitations to Success as Christians:
Many take the doctrine of substitution and apply it universally. However, the doctrine of substitution does not have a universal application (Genesis 22:12 NKJV). You cannot substitute anointing and grace for discipline and habits. You need to put in the work and have faith (James 2:20 NKJV). In other words, you must have faith and work. The anointing for Christians, which unbelievers do not have, helps to shorten time, but being anointed is not enough for good success. You must develop the prerequisites for success: acquire skills, invest in personal development, cultivate positive habits, and practice discipline.
The gatekeeper of success will place obstacles in your path to test whether you have the discipline to overcome them.
Success Habits of Joseph:
1. Habit of dreaming – Joseph did not stop dreaming because his first dream did not work. God has given us the power of imagination. Imagine the life you want, be tenacious, and walk in alignment with it. Dreams come true.
2. Tenacity – Joseph did not give up.
3. Continuous improvement – Joseph not only dreamed; he also interpreted dreams. Do not stay stagnant. Move to new levels and continually improve yourself.
4. Delayed gratification – No great success comes to those who demand immediate gratification.
5. Living in God’s presence – (Genesis 39:13 NKJV) Facing challenges does not mean God is not with you. Even in Joseph’s difficulties, God was with him.
6. Perpetual readiness – Joseph was always prepared for every opportunity he encountered.
7. Excellence – Excellence should not be displayed only in certain places; it must be a lifestyle. Carry excellence everywhere you go.
With the right companions on the journey to success, you are next in line for a medal.
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