Fan The Flames By Pastor Lanre Oluseye

Fan The Flames By Pastor Lanre Oluseye

Ministering: Pastor Lanre Oluseye
Topic: Fan The Flames
Text: Ephesians 5:1-20 (NLT & MSG)

For many people in church, the word they find edifying or rhema is often influenced by their current life circumstances. The truth is that the confirmation you’ve been waiting for could be found in just one line of the message. It is imperative to come to church with an open heart. Regardless of what is preached, a prepared heart will always receive a message. Every time you attend church, come ready to hear from God, as His voice can come through any part of the service.

Ephesians 5:2-4 & 14 (NLT & MSG): Imitate the behavior of God. Be a good representative of your Father. God is loving, and you must be a loving person. He did not love us to get something, but to give all that He has. Love like that! Let your words be seasoned. Gossip, body-shaming, and backbiting are not our style as Christians. We are kings in God’s Kingdom, and as such, we ought to carry ourselves as kings. Let your lifestyle embody Christ. The light within you produces only three outcomes, good, right, and true. Anything else does not reflect Christ. Any work that is not fruitful is useless.

Watch your step. Use your head (Ephesians 5:15 MSG). Don’t get drunk with liquor; instead, get drunk with the Spirit of God. Let the songs on your lips edify Him. Don’t live carelessly; let your life glorify God.
Revival is a season of reawakening from dormancy. For many, their service to God is based on convenience. A reawakening is crucial if you only serve God when it’s convenient. Any change you wish to see in your life requires a cause. If you want to experience revival, something must trigger it.

Romans 1:21-28 (KJV), if you desire revival, you must hunger and thirst for God. Be intentional about your devotion to Him. Your commitment to God should not be based on your wants. Commit to Him unconditionally.

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