Power moves By Pastor Lanre Oluseye

Power moves By Pastor Lanre Oluseye

Ministering: Pastor Lanre Oluseye
Topic: Power moves
Text: Luke 18:1 (NKJV)

There’s a type of move that changes situations. There are known as dynamic moves. Ephesians 1:7 (NKJV), in Christ we have our redemption. Redemption is about being bought back, about being released because someone had to pay a price.

There are three types of people who need redemption:
1. Conquered people: If a nation is conquered, the inhabitants of that nation will need redemption to be set free again.
2. Debtors: People who owe debts they cannot pay.
3. Lawful captives: These are people who willingly give themselves as captives.

The only person who can redeem you must be someone who is related to you. The phrase “kinsman redeemer” refers to a redeemer who is related to you.

Adam was a conquered person because of his disobedience. The devil used sin as a means to conquer him. As a result, Adam lost the authority God had given him. When sin got Adam, it got you. Redemption became a necessity for man to have his authority and access to God restored. Because of man’s sinful nature, he did not have the capacity to pay the price, and thus became a debtor. God knew it would take a man who had no sin to redeem mankind. God had to come Himself in the form of a man to pay the price that man could not pay. God devised the plan of gestational surrogacy. He fertilized the seed and used the womb of Mary to carry Jesus to term. This ensured that the DNA of man did not taint the divine nature of Jesus. Jesus became the perfect sacrifice to redeem man.

God is the Omega and the Alpha because He finishes a thing before He starts it. When God promises to do something for you, it was already done before He made the promise. He perfects the end of a thing and sets it in motion to begin. Be assured that you are everything God says you are.
The first power move God took to deliver man from the shackles of sin was to redeem him. You are En Christo. You have been set free from whatever it is you think is holding you bound.
Another power move God made was to win victory over principalities, powers, and spiritual strongholds (Colossians 2:13-14 & Ephesians 6:12 NKJV & MSG). You are the redeemed of the Lord (Matthew 18:18 NKJV).
The devil has nothing on you!

It is important to keep your prayer life alive. It is the only way you stay charged up (Luke 18:1 NKJV).
There are three things the devil uses to stop man from praying, the same methods he used to tempt Jesus in the wilderness:
1. Lack: Do not let what you don’t have stop you from praying.
2. Shortcut
3. Abundance: Moving from scarcity to plenty should not stop you from praying.

We pray in times of scarcity and abundance. We pray in good and bad times. We pray when the going gets tough. We pray when the going gets smooth. We pray without ceasing.
Operate with the understanding of who is in you.

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