Husband & Wife United By Pastor Walter Ekelemu

Husband & Wife United By Pastor Walter Ekelemu
Ministering: Pastor Walter Ekelemu
Topic: Husband & Wife United
Text: Malachi 2;13-15 (MSG), Matthew 19:3-6, 8 (NKJV, NLT & KJV) & Ecclesiastes 4:9–12(KJV & NLT)
There are many things that we’ve incorporated into our marriages that are not part of God’s plan for the union of marriage. God wants the man and the woman in marriage to work as a team and to work in unity. Everything God created, He created for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11 NLT).
Genesis 1:31 (MSG): When God looked at everything He had created, He saw perfection in it. Whatever God does is excellent. His works cannot be recreated. You are created for His pleasure.
The truth is, if God does anything, nothing bad can be found in it. An example of this is the creation of marriage. When God created marriage, He designed it to be fitting for Himself. In Jeremiah 29:11, God is mindful of you. He designed marriage so that we become better. Marriage was not designed to make you fail. If He puts you in marriage, He does so because He knows it will make you better. What God intends for us when we enter into marriage is to expand the Kingdom. Every marriage is Kingdom business.
God created marriage. Marriage is not a function of societal structure. Before civilization, there was marriage. Man has no input whatsoever in the origination of marriage. When God made man, He gave dominion to both male and female (Genesis 1:27 NKJV). In verse 28, God blessed “them”. He created the female inside the male. In chapter 2, God saw that the union of man and woman could be better, and so He created the woman, who was already existing inside the man, out of the man (Genesis 2:23 NKJV).
Man and woman originally existed as one. God’s design for marriage was to produce Godly seeds because He understands that the Kingdom of God is propagated when His Godly seeds are reproduced. A dysfunctional marriage will produce dysfunctional children, and this will threaten the ability to produce Godly seeds. It is this force that the devil targets when he fights marriage.
The dynamics of marriage are for the man and woman to become one despite their distinct anatomies. We need to understand that a man is a man by the function of his anatomy. The same applies to the woman. It is an error when you try to alter your identity as a man or as a woman. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman. It is only when a man and a woman come together that Godly seeds can be produced.
Do not measure the success of your marriage by the parameters of what you see on the internet. God is the one who determines what a successful marriage is. Nobody can fix your marriage better than God. A successful marriage has three components: the man (husband), the Holy Spirit (God), and the woman (wife). If the man and woman reach the place where they begin to bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit, they become bound to produce Godly seeds. The success of a marriage lies in the efforts of the husband and wife to yield to the instructions of the Holy Spirit.

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