Leadership Starts Here By Pastor Ajadi Adeolu

Leadership Starts Here By Pastor Ajadi Adeolu

Ministering; Pastor Ajadi Adeolu
Topic; Leadership starts here
Text; 1st Timothy 3vs 1-5(TPT); Judges 13 vs 2, 24-25 (NKJV).


Today we look at the concept of leadership in conjunction to Family. True leadership without spiritual backing is impossible. Leadership comes in when there’s a need to direct.

The word leadership has a root word from the verb ‘Lead’. To lead therefore means to proceed, be in the foremost and to be in advance. True leadership is not just about being the one that commands, it’s about showing the way and going before. To be an effective leader, Jesus Christ must be our reference (Act 1 vs 1) You have to do before leading.

Jesus Christ has instructed that for us to lead , we must lead in the front not behind. Leadership is about going before.
As the head of the family whatever you direct your family members to do , you must first demonstrate it in your attitude.

In Genesis 1; God created man to have dominion and so every human being is born to Lead and as such you are a leader because you are created as one. We all have the DNA of leadership in us. This is exemplified when we are in a function where we sometimes feel we could offer better ideas than the ones coming from our bosses or superiors.

Judges 13 vs 21-25; We see here that the leadership of Samson did not start from Israel, it started from a small village in a small part of Dan. You have to learn to groom your leadership in the family before exercising same in the larger society.

1st Timothy 3 vs 2; The home is a conglomeration of leaders. The father, mother and children are all leaders but in different levels. The first leadership training academy for a child is the home. Children emulates behaviors around them so as Fathers and Mothers we must be intentional about the Leadership skills they display to their children.

The father must show the leadership skills that provides, protect and manage disagreement. Leadership must not necessarily be having ones way all the time but accommodating other people’s opinion. The mother whilst exercising her leadership skills balances this by submitting to her Husband. The leadership that comes through submission elevates it. When they are 2 or 3 leaders in a space one must differ to the other.

The child from the illustration given begins to learn that leadership does not necessarily have to always dominate. The child also sees a leadership that comes from effective followership.
The Bible tells us that Christ is the head of the Church and Christ is submissive to his Father, God. If you will be a leader in the church you must be able to control and manage your home.

The leadership of the Father comes first because of his DNA and so the father has the responsibility of being an effective leader. He must be able to understand and manage his home (wife and children). An effective leader must be able to manage different personalities. Same goes for the mother. She must be able to understand and manage her family.

To be an effective leader in the society and in the home, you must have self leadership. You must have the ability to govern and lead yourself first before leading others.

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